+21 Let Me Go Home Let Me Go Home Lyrics References. Let me go home lyrics hurry up, baby, 'cause we're going somewhere tonight one glass of wine and you're mine and you know i just might. A salt kiss on your nose.

I'm lucky, i know, but i wanna go home mmm, i got to go home let me go home i'm just too far from where you are i wanna come home and i feel just like i'm living someone else's life it's like. Let me go home, i had a bad night leave me along let me go home, i've had a hard time being on my own every way i turn my eyes shadows pass in the night haunted by reality living out of. I dream of home up yonder, oh, yeah where loved ones are waiting for me, oh, yeah each day my heart grows still fonder, oh, yes for that homeland just over the sea, just over the sea oh, let me.